Monday, July 4, 2011

NS is for everyone. NS is a crime??

1) Why do you think National Service is important to Singapore?
National service is important to Singapore because Singapore is a country who is small in size, have a lack of human resources. Thus maintaining a large military, which both requires large amount land and people is very hard to achieve in Singapore. Thus National Service is important so that Singapore need not maintain a large military instead, every male citizen of her is part of the army and can defend the country. NS is also very important in terms of forging friendships and closer relationships between the different races. In NS these men would have a "live together, die together" spirit, where they will view one another as one big family. This will allow racial barriers to be broken down and this is vital for racial harmony and social cohesion in Singapore.

2) In the above poem, the speaker expresses his love for his country England. Do you have the same spirit for patriotism towards Singapore? Why?
I have the patriotism towards Singapore but at this stage of my life I don't feel that strongly to Singapore as the speaker felt to England. The sense of patriotism in me towards Singapore is due the reason that Singapore is my homeland where I grew up, received my education, made friends. Thus Singapore is the motherland that raised me up and I would never forget this place. However, although I feel a sense of patriotism but I believe that is not strong enough. I have that after I am enlisted is the NS it will help me further develop my patriotism towards Singapore.

3) Do you consider yourself a patriot to your country?
I have the patriotism towards Singapore but I do not consider myself as a patriot as a patriot is someone that speaks for his actions. I believe that only after I 've done something, made sacrifices to the country then I am considered as a real patriot because the real matter is not about whether you say that you are one or not but is actually that actions that truly matters, so I think that at this stage of my life I am not a patriot.

1 comment:

  1. I certainly do hope that you develop a sense of patriotism towards Singapore, fellow Singaporean! I completely agree that it really does not matter whether you say you are a patriot or not, but it is actually your actions that truly matter. Perhaps at this stage of your life, you are not a patriot yet, but you can be one when you grow up! An important point to take note, being a patriot does not necessarily mean you have to die for your country. Also, maybe you can decide first whether you want to become a good patriot and work towards that goal from young. That would work!
    Jack Tan 2O307
